Monday 25 May 2009

Blog or Facebook

It may be my own perception but I'm beginning to wonder if the halcyon days of the blog are coming to an end. That the possibility of extended and closely argued debate are done, that internet explorers will hunt for informed opinion in vain. And for why? - Facebook is here.
Rather than blog at length on the issues of the day, people would rather type something fatuous about their small lives into a status box on Facebook and wait for the vacuous responses to flow in, giving them a misguided sense of their own importance to the rest of the human race.
Ah well, I can't be ***** to type any more........................

1 comment:

Emma said...

Well I only just found your blog - I think Facebook wins with accessibility, but enjoy it when bloggers post links and I can read in more depth.

I'm so impressed anyone has the time to think things, let alone get them on screen, but keep it up!